CCMA Community Chat - Lean Approaches To Increasing the Value of your CX Operation - Michelle Nolan

Date: 09/06/2020

Venue: Webinar 11 a.m.

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Service organisations are lean by definition often operating in competitive, high volume environments. The pandemic has challenged that in ways no-one could have imagined. In this session we will consider approaches to incorporating lean tools and thinking into your CX organisation to build more value for customers and your business as the pandemic continues to radically change the way we are servicing our customers and supporting our teams. Specific topics to be discussed will include:

  • Continuing to Collaborate during Covid 19
  • Lean tools to help in reviewing contact centre processes 
  • Ways to build value for your operation and your customers

About the speaker - Michelle Nolan, is currently managing change within Bank of Ireland. She has many years of value generation, transformation and change experience in service industries having previously worked with British Airways, JP Morgan, Microsoft, ESB and AIB. 

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