CCMA February Network Forum - Date for your diary

The New World of Work - hosted by Microsoft and Plantronics. Our February CCMA Network Forum will take place on Thursday 2nd February. This event will be co hosted by Microsoft and Plantronics. New World of Work is a vision to make organisations more effective and productive.  While many challenges face Irish organisations, including the economy, knowledge gaps across teams, and different styles of working the New World of Work vision provides a direct way of engaging People, Technology, and Place to provide a competitive advantage.  We will also see first-hand how Microsoft Ireland has implemented the vision in the way they work. Speakers at the event will include Phillip VanHoutte, Managing Director Plantronics Europe, Middle East and Africa and Jeremy Showalter - Microsoft Office Division - Business Group Lead. If you would like to join us at this event please book on line.  If you are not a member of the CCMA but are interested in attending this event please contact us at