
ServisBOT was founded in Ireland in 2016 to enable contact centres and other interaction-intensive businesses to significantly enhance customer experience while improving productivity, using chatbots. Leveraging today’s trend towards the adoption of conversational interfaces and AI-powered automation, ServisBOT provides a Conversational AI Platform that makes it easier and more affordable for businesses to build chatbot solutions that engage with customers across their complete lifecycle in more convenient, personalized, and automated ways. 

Chatbots built on the platform perform different business tasks, engaging with customers to process transactions, access information, schedule appointments, manage applications, send alerts, and more. The chatbots also automate the workflows that relate to customer needs. They can manage inbound requests but also engage proactively and can operate alone or together to fulfill a complete user journey. Additionally, chatbots built on ServisBOT’s technology can work seamlessly across voice, messaging, email, SMS, chat and web channels, handing over to humans, when and if needed.

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Case Study

Watch this video to hear a customer story of chatbot success.


Download our eBook: 10 Chatbots to Transform Customer Engagement.